We now travel farther back in time to the Paleozoic Era when Los Picos de Europa (the Peaks of Europe) were formed in a series of sedimentary basins that were later deformed and uplifted during two major collisions between continents. This post focuses on the geologic history of Los Picos and my next post will focus on the 10-day trek we made through and around these mountains with our friends Michael and Nanci.
Collisional history
Events during the Variscan Orogeny
(1) Gondwana plate (see 356 Ma paleo-map above) subducts beneath the Laurentian plate (core of North America), moving the continents together. The oldest Picos rocks were deposited in this ocean.
(2) Plates continue moving together; almost all of the oceanic part of the Gondwana plate has been subducted.
(3—lower part) The Variscan Mountains are created once the ocean has all been subducted and the continents (too bouyant to subduct) collide.
(3—upper part) Close-up of the ocean east of the Variscan Mountains. Sediments eroded from the mountains flow into the ocean. Spain was in the tropics, where warm water promotes the growth of organisms such as corals that make their hard parts of calcium carbonate. The most prominent parts of Los Picos are limestone (blue color) created by these organisms. Also found in Los Picos are conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone (yellow–green colors) that were deposited closer to land.
Events since the Variscan Orogeny
(5) By the end of the Carboniferous Period (~300 Ma), the continents had fully collided and the intervening sedimentary rocks had been compressed to form the Variscan Mountains. Notice that the layers (e.g., red layer) are repeated and stacked on top of each other—this is due to movement along thrust faults. The elevated mountains were then being eroded.
(6) During the Permian and Triassic Periods (300–200 Ma), the mountains were eroded to a flat plain and river sediments were deposited on top of the stacked layers of tilted sedimentary rocks. Most of these rocks have a reddish color.
(7) From 50–10 Ma, a collision between the African and Eurasian plates—the Alpine Orogeny—created more thrust faults that further deformed the sedimentary layers. The yellow lines indicate the Alpine-aged thrusts that offset the older, Variscan-aged thrust faults.
(8) Since the Alpine Orogeny uplifted these mountains again, they have been eroded by many elements, notably by glaciers during the last 2 million years.
Photos illustrating Los Pico’s collisional history
Folded layers of sandstone turbidites and thin inter-layered mudstone in the town of Espinama near Fuente De. This is what happens to sedimentary layers when they get caught up in continental collisions! The scales are Nanci, Michael, and me.
Other geological processes
A westward view from the Eastern Massif over the town of Sotres toward a valley in the Central Massif. The diagram below explains how this valley formed; the photo below is a closeup in the valley.Left-side diagram: (1) Discordant Permian sediments deposited on the paleo-relief of the limestone rocks previously deformed during the Variscan Orogeny (see step 6 in diagrams above). (2) Subsequent movement on two faults creates the down-dropped valley. (3) Erosion removes Permian sediments except those in the valley. Diagram is from reference listed below. Right-side photo: Permian “red bed” sediments deposited in a river. This photo was taken in the valley illustrated in the adjacent diagram and in the photo above. The famous Naranjo de Bulnes (Pico Urriellu) is the squarish peak directly above Michael.An extremely important process in Los Picos today is dissolution of limestone to create features called karst. As explained in other recent posts, limestone is where most caves form because calcium carbonate is easily dissolved if water is even weakly acidic. Left-side diagram: Los Picos are like swiss cheese because of the internal dissolution of limestone that has created a huge network of caves. This diagram shows the openings in one cave that extend 1441 m (4726 ft) below the land surface. Diagram is from the reference listed below. Right-side photo: We were not able to see the underground caves, but we could see surface effects of dissolution. Here are limestone rocks with vertical rills dissolved by downward-flowing water.
One might ask: why are Los Picos de Europa higher than the adjacent Cantabrian Mountains? It’s all about the limestone. With sandstone and mudstone, weathering processes are at the surface where erosion lowers the surface elevation. Limestone, however, has internal weathering processes that retain the surface elevation while dissolving the rock underground. Glaciers, though, have shaped even the limestone’s surface during the recent past.
An important recent process is the action of glaciers, since Earth has been in an Ice Age during the past 2 million years. We are currently in an interglacial (warmer) period, and with additional human-enduced warming, the glaciers are disappearing fast. A few remain in the highest elevations of Los Picos, but even at lower elevations the features formed when the glaciers were larger are readily visible. This photo shows a cirque in the Central Massif above Fuente De. The glacier that occupied this bowl-shaped depression has since melted.Left-side photo: This valley west of Fuente De, on our path toward Sotres, is a valley carved by glaciers during the Last Glacial Maximum 20,000 years ago. The ridges on either side of the valley are moraines—piles of sediments eroded from the mountains and then carried downhill as the glaciers advanced. These moraines are called lateral moraines because they formed along the sides of the glacier. Right-side photo: Closeup of the moraine on the left side of the other photo. The lone rock on the crest of the moraine (just right of Jay) is an erratic—a huge rock carried in the ice and then dropped on the ridge as the ice melted.
Human interference
Los Picos are now in a national park and are mainly used for recreational purposes. However, during the 19th and 20th centuries, the area was highly disturbed by mining activities, evidence of which can still be seen today.
On a day hike from Sotres, we saw tailings piles and other remnants of the Ándara mine that operated between 1860 and 1975. Their main objective was to recover zinc. Notice the ore cart on the right side of the photo that is next to one of the mine openings. Although a town served the workers in the mine, today the only remaining building is a small refugio (upper left corner of photo). Michael for scale.This photo from the Mirador del Cable above Fuente De (buildings in valley) show many of the elements discussed in this post. The treed slopes are the sandstone and mudstone deposits that erode more readily at the surface and support more vegetative cover. Limestone rocks make up the steep cliffs. It is difficult to see the thrust faults, but easy to see the folding in the distant Caliza de Panda (limestone of Panda). This synclinal fold formed because of compression during the collisional events. The closer limestone peaks were eroded by glaciers, and the hairpin path going up the slope toward the highest peak is an old mining road that is still used by some hikers.
In my next post, I’ll describe the 10-day trek we completed in El Parque Nacional de Los Picos de Europa. It will show the locations of places mentioned in this post.