Oregon’s coast is a geologic wonderland of steep cliffs, nearshore sea stacks and caves, estuaries where rivers flow from the coastal range into the sea, and a large variety of landscapes and rock types. The entire coast is adjacent to the Cascadia Subduction zone where the oceanic plate is colliding (and descending beneath) the continental plate. Because the plates are converging, it is not surprising to see evidence that the land has been uplifted by compressive forces. In July, Jay and I spent a few days in Brookings, the best example I’ve seen (so far) of uplift along Oregon’s coast. To learn more about the tectonic setting of southwest Oregon, please see this previous post: https://landscapes-revealed.net/how-does-the-rogue-valley-fit-into-the-larger-tectonic-picture/.
Brookings, Oregon
Marine terraces
Marine terraces—elevated flat surfaces on coastal cliffs—are the best indicator of coastal uplift. For more information about how they form, see my previous post: https://landscapes-revealed.net/the-geology-of-point-reyes-national-seashore/. In brief, movement on faults such as Oregon’s subduction zone can cause the continental plate to be pushed up. Platforms that are cut by waves at sea level get raised to higher elevations with each movement. The old, uplifted platforms are called terraces. Their age can sometimes be determined by analyzing ancient beach deposits that overlie the old platforms.
At least five levels of marine terraces are visible at Brookings. They can be recognized as flat surfaces that indent the seaward-facing slope.
What is the rate of uplift along the coast, you may ask. There is a great deal of uncertainty—mainly because it is very difficult to obtain ages for the various terrace levels, but estimates range from 0.1–1 mm/yr. This is an average, based on many earthquakes. For example, let’s assume that a large-magnitude earthquake occurs every 300 years and causes 150 mm (15 cm) of uplift. This would equal 0.5 mm/yr, on average. This seems like a very slow rate, but in 300,000 years, there would be a total of 150,000 mm (150 m / 500 ft) of uplift. The terraces at Brookings may be the result of around 1 million years of uplift.
Sea stacks are abundant along the modern coastline (see photos at top of page), and they also formed along ancient coastlines. This photo is from Azalea Park in Brookings. The flat surface is one of the marine terraces and the little hill is an ancient sea stack that formed when this was an active wave-cut platform at sea level.
Other evidence of uplift
This map of Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor shows coastal highway 101 (in black) and the Oregon Coastal Trail (in red). Location 4 (in red circle) is Indian Sands, so-called because of extensive sand dunes that have been uplifted to high elevations.If you are familiar with the Oregon coast, you probably know about the active sand dunes—called Oregon Dunes—located on the coast south of the town of Florence. This photo at Indian Sands shows extensive sand dunes that have uplifted far above the coastline. The hard surface Jay is standing on is a paleosol—the remnants of an ancient soil that developed on the dunes. This photo at Indian Sands shows a cross section of an ancient sand dune. The angled layers are from sand grains that cascaded down the front of a dune. My hand is at a contact between the dune sand and more wind-blown sand deposited on top of the dune. The reddish color at the top is the ancient soil layer. Plants that grew in the sand disrupted sand grain layering. Photo courtesy of Jay.
Geologic hazards
The Oregon coastline is subject to a variety of hazards. Large winter waves undercut coastal cliffs and threaten structures built on the cliff tops. Subduction zones produce Earth’s largest-magnitude earthquakes—during such an earthquake, structures along the coast would experience intense shaking. Subduction zones also generate the largest tsunamis—following a large-magnitude earthquake, waves many meters (10s of feet) high could attack the coast.
I took this photo at Harris Beach in Brookings. It is surprising to see that large new homes are being built at this location. The one on a terrace remnant is at least at a high elevation, although it’s being built very close to the cliff edge. The houses being built at low elevations are more susceptible to destruction by waves. In California, the Coastal Act of 1976 (mostly) prohibits this type of development, but laws in Oregon are apparently weaker. A recent (2024) book by Rosanna Xia—”California against the sea; visions for our vanishing coastline”—describes how the California law got passed. There are still many problems, however, because some homes were built too close to the sea before the Coastal Act was passed.
The marine terraces at Brookings keep many homes and other structures at relatively safe elevations above the sea. Many parts of the Oregon coast are at lower elevations, however, and structures built there are threatened by imminent earthquakes and continuing sea level rise.
Glad you had such good weather!
As a fog-a-phobe, it was honestly a little cool for me, but we did have sun too! We really liked the B+B on the cliff top.